Our business model has developed a very positive scenario providing a win-win-win for all parties. Through our research and expertise, we are confident that we can provide any organization, including the military, with a new painting preparation technology that eliminates Flash-Rust rework, reduces paint prep cycle time, eliminates blast clean-up and hazardous waste disposal from the paint preparation operation, and extends the life of the asset by more than 2X. We offer an extended warranty on any asset we treat.
Besides our corrosion mitigation expertise, our most valuable asset is the establishment of a Program Management Office (PMO) to help manage full compliance with US law, DOD Directives, and US Army Regulations on Corrosion Mitigation Resolution. We are in perfect alignment with the military’s definition of PMO. As a PMO, we provide Contracted Engineering Services for corrosion problem mitigation resolution of any asset by introducing a unique, innovative, safe, and sustainable product and process which saves the Customer time, money, and re-work during the stripping, cleaning, and coating of its assets. We provide full-service PMO deliverables including asset and facility assessments, application services, QR Code-Inventory Control, Test & Evaluation, research and design, best 21st Century practices and innovations, and Federally-Certified Corrosion Training & Certifications for the blue-collar workforce, as mandated by federal law 10USC 2228.
As a SDVOSB, registered in SAM.gov as an Engineering Services provider, we will collaborate with private companies or public organizations on their contracting requirements. Our success together helps us provide workforce opportunities for Veterans and their families.